Monday, December 14, 2015

All Stars: One for All Blitzcrank

Well, I haven’t really played ranked in a long time. I have but, once in a very short while. In my life there is a LOT of stressful things. (Cracks in my apartment walls making water leak down. Ceilings cracking. Mag flies have infested my studio space because my instructor has a monster tomato plant next to it which they’re harboring on. Group projects where no one does their work. College application malfunctions.) But I doubt you really want to hear about it. None the less, with all of those things, ranked would be the cherry topper. As it is my significant other thinks that if we duo queue together we are bound to lose. {Okay yes we have lost. A lot.} The good thing is, I don’t have to play ranked, because everybody else is.

I honestly wish that ranked was as fun as these all star matches going on right now. Just being able to play and have fun. Unfortunately though everybody thinks that they need to be the best like this is pokemon or something. However, the Blitzcrank match. Any ranked player who doesn’t know these guys are professionals, would be FURIOUS. First of all, because almost all ranked players don’t know how to play support, and therefore wouldn’t even know what to do with Blitzcrank. Second, because “It’s not the meta report for playing non op champ.” Well news for you, but this is a game! Anyway for those who don’t know heres some info on what a Blitzcrank is.
    -One of the first champs at the games launch.
    -First, and was he only for a few years, “Hook” champion. This means they have a mechanic where one of their abilities involving a skill shot {Something you have to aim manually and can be blocked by minions or other monsters and champs.} Which grabs an enemy, and stuns them as they’re being pulled back to you.
    -Has a knock up mechanic. {Where the enemy is immobilized, but is a melee knockup.}

    Now i’m not going to lie, this match was INSANE, and I don’t think I would ever do it anytime soon. {Well even if I wanted to one for all isn't an option right now.} A big factor matters on who can hook who under their tower, so it matters so much on minon positioning. But is very hard to do because blitzcrank doesn't really kill minions easy. It was pretty much impossible to siege turrets, and because the one lone Blitz on team fire had devouror {a high build jungle item} That they were able to take the baron nashor, and have minions take the game.