Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fan Art: Skin ideas and Lunar Revel Jinx

Last weeks all chat had some really funny spotlights, and had included the artists begins making the new Facebook stickers for LoL. It also showcased some work fans have been making of the characters in the form of cats, which, I have to say, is adorable. As well the Thresh Prince of Bot lane had me laughing a bit. For those who didn't know, the animator had taken a jab at the hit 90's TV show which gave rapper Will Smith his big break in acting; The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. In the Thresh Prince however, the music is tuned to the theme some of FP, with lyrics that gives Easter eggs to his lore with Lucian. And the frustrations of, well, being in the bot lane.

That part of the chat aside, the cat renderings of champions had reminded me of back when I used to make fan art myself. Now a days I mostly just think of what would be great ideas for skins or champions, but never really go into it. After being told a possible bit of lore, a great idea had came to my mind for a skin set. "The Childern of Zaun." This would apply to any character that as a child (or even adult) who had spent their time in Zaun, and how the city has effected them.  I absolutely LOVE the idea of Jinx, Ekko, and Vi all being from the same gang in Zaun. (For those who don't know, Zaun is a very very large city. A powerhouse for technology, however it isn't exactly that prosperous, due do an extremely high crime rate. More than triple of Detroit.) As well as some others but. Next I would like to work on the Zaun Childeren concept. The difficulties that I would have is making them like like they're dirty off the streets, without making them look bad. In the meantime though, I figured I would finish what I've already started in my sketchbook before I work on something new. So, I did finish what I was working on. Well. Kind of. I'm going to pull it into Adobe Photoshop to give it a little more clean and glowing look.
 So there you go, there's my little lunar revel Jinx before photoshop.

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