Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Don't you trust me? To teach you how to play Ahri?

Pop Star Ahri Splash Art
Ahri is probably the first mid laner champion that I SUCCESSFULLY learned how to play. (Ryze what is with you and your pizza feet, and... Everything.) Reasons for that is I'm not really the greatest at short ranged champions. In fact I believe that if I win lane on a champion with less than 700 range, it was solely luck. Ahri however has just enough range for you to avoid the enemy. And enough movement speed to get away, or go after them. Even though Ahri's lore may deem her a little, seductive. Who cares? Shes fun to play and they make the best skins for her. So lets get started!
Left: Blue Normal Orb. Right: Green orb that means passive is ready. (Fox Fire Skin)
Passive: Essence Theft- By having your damaging spells hit enemies (Can be minions, monsters, or champs) You gain a stack. Spells can only get 3 stacks, even if you hit 6 enemies. Orb of deception is the most reliable thing for getting stacks, as it usually hits the most DIFFERENT enemies, and Foxfire can sometimes only hit one or two. When you have 9 stacks, you get additional life-steal based on your AP, and how many enemies you hit. There is no cap for this. So if you get 9 stacks, it's best to use Orb of Deception on a full minion wave, and the enemy champ if you can.
Fully extended Orb of Deception (Classic Skin)
Q: Orb of Deception- Yes, Ahri is one of those champs that you max Q first. You also get this first. I explained the passive benefits of this spell previously, but in terms of attacking. The deception is that's a boomerang skill-shot that does magic damage on the way out, and true damage on the way back in. (True damage ignores all armor and magic resist, like ignite.) Boomerang spells are very uncommon, and the true damage aspect if why it gets it name. However, unless you're playing against a noob (or people who know nothing about champs who play in other lanes) You won't be deceiving anyone for very long. As people are generally pretty aware of their health bars. However. In team-fights, people may not realize your extended orb, and may be low enough health for it to take them out. When you're being chased, always throw your orb behind you. While your orb is out, you get a little bit of movement speed to position yourself for the or to hit them the second time. Or, this can help you get away, and possibly do enough damage to scare, or even be able to turn on your enemies. {As well the orb if it hits twice, counts as two hits on thunderlords}
Ahri with her Foxfires surrounding her (Classic Skin)
If you want all the foxfires to hit one enemy immediately, they must be in the middle of the ven-diagram.
W: Foxfires- Probably the least important out of her spells. As they have shorter range then your other spells. Get it third and max it out last. This makes three fires surround you and shoot at nearby enemies, prioritizing champions. Use this when enemies are cutting their stay way too close. Or, right when you Charm someone, throw out your foxfire's as well as your Q.

Tip: Banshees Veil will only protect your enemies from one fox fire, not the other two.
A Charm about to hit a Master Yi (Challenger Skin)
E: Charm- This is a normal direct line skill shot. When in lane, try your best to always save enough mana to do Charm, Foxfire, and Orb of Deception at the same time. If you can land a charm on someone and follow through with your other abilities, you can easily knock off at-least half their health. It can be better than a stun, because it makes your enemies walk towards you while their helpless. So if they're sitting under tower, you can get your team just enough closeness to dump on them. Or, you could even dump on them. If you have the mana are are being chased, you can get a clear hit with this as well.
Middle of a spirit rush dash (Challenger Skin)
R: Spirit Rush- I love this ult, and this is where a lot of mobility comes in. It's three flashes + damage. The only downside, is that you don't disappear as you dart, so it's not a mystery where you're headed. (On the note of damage, I remember playing a game where the enemy team was swearing. Because I used my ult to get a triple kill because they weren't aware that the ult does damage. With a dash(each dash moves you 450 units), you fire three bolts that prioritizes champions. The bolts do 70/110/150 +(30% AP) damage. You can do this three times. So no, it doesn't do a lot. However, use it to advance and escape. Remember, you don't have to do all three at once.

If this ability hits the maximum amount of target champions each time, (3 bolts per dash) It will do a total damage of 630/990/1350 + (270% AP) Magic damage.

Tip: While Ahri's abilities may seem linear, they are most powerful in a triangular stance. Most people will move to the sides rather than away to avoid the second coming of your Orb. some so that the angle will hit them twice. As well when ulting, most formations work like a triangle.

Spell sequence: In normal poking, you'll throw your Q out as many times as you can to hit enemies. Once you hit level 2, you get your E. Try not to use your Q anymore unless you can land your E, or you have full mana. When you have your abilities standard poking goes; E, W, Q, Skirt around enemies and use your movement speed to dodge their attacks.

Basically: E, W, Q, *move* E, W, Q *move*

Ulting: Usually you don't throw your ult in, unless you're going in for the kill. (Or trying to get away.) (Reminder it wont save you from Zeds ult. Only a zhonyas will.) If you're going in to do some heavy damage or kill, ult once, not directly on them, but at a slight angle where minions aren't in the way. Use your e to reel them in. W, and then Q. Ult again, this time go on the other side of them. Throw out whatever spells you can, but if you can get a clear shot, go for the pattern again. Save the last dash to finish them off. Or get away.

Basically: R, E, Q, W, *pause* R, Q, W, E, (Q again if you can) R (to finish if they arent already dead) (Or to escape)

Reminder, your ult can go through certain units, such as thin walls. I even stole a baron once, and ulted beck out to survive. Use this to your advantage. If theirs three enemies on the other side of a wall, but one is 200 health, ult in there, throw out some abilities, ult again to confuse them, then ult back over the wall to get away. You probably killed them.

The Turret Dive Survive: This is a move i'm known for. At level 6-8 laning, if you can widdle your opponent down do 200 health or less, and they don't have CC accessible to them. This is the time. Between lane turrets 3 and 2, there are two openings. Go as close to the turret as you can, if you cant charm them out, it's time for the dive. You must be half health or more. Ult once, next to them, opposing where you'll escape. If you can charm, why not. Ult again, this time close to the side you'll escape. Throw out your Q behind you, in your enemies direction. Ult one more time out the opening to escape. And there you go you probably killed them with 200-300 health to spare. Time to back as quickly as you can.

This is not mine (as mine would not be so sloppy.) But this video shows an example on where you would ult if you want to survive a turret dive kill.

Where as THIS, is why you DONT turret dive people who have crowd control.

Threats: Leblanc and Zed can be great threats to you. If you're against Le Blanc, get an abysall scepter first. Zhonyas to take care of Zed. Unfortunately, Leblanc, Vladimir, Kassadin, Lulu, and Malazar- You cant even try to fight them, unless they're super bad. You need to play extreme passive and get magic resist. Do nothing but try to farm and avoid trades. Though they may try to C.S. Deny you.

Items: The first item most people build is Morellonomicon. If you're mana struggling, against an AP champion, but aren't fully dominating though, look into a Chalice of harmony and build that out. Other good items are Ludens Echo, Rabadons Death Cap, Void staff, Guardian Angel, Sorceress shoes {Or in weird situations, Mercury Treads or Ionian Boots of Lucidity) Banshees Veil, and Rylai's Crystal Scepter.

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