Monday, January 4, 2016

How to Ashe

Yep, as you can tell I'm going on a roll with guides on my favorite champions to play! Lets get started!

Why I love to play Ashe: Simplicity. People may argue, SHES NOT A SIMPLE CHAMPION. Okay yeah, easy to learn, hard to master. I cant tell you how much it annoyed me watching people not wait for their five stacks to use their Q before the update where now you have to wait. But. She's a clean champion where you don't have to think about weird abilities like Jinxes chompers, or Caitlin traps. Her auto attacks slightly slow people, and if they critically strike the slow is increased. Making her great for kiting people. So if the enemy side is playing offensive, you'll win every trade. (Plus is feels sooo great to snipe people away. Your team will love you if you can kill off someone from their lane that got away.)

Ashe is the BEST pick for getting into ADC's. Shes cheap at only 450IP (So pretty much 2-4 won games). Simple mechanics, and if you find you like to play her a lot, she has a lot of skins and you'll be bound to like one.

Official Information Link Here
Q: Rangers Focus- I am sooo happy that they changed it. Now you only need 4 consecutive auto attacks to have it ready. As well, you can't use it unless you have it ready, so for beginners this is great {Because now you cant make the mistake of setting it off early and not doing as much damage.) This ability gives you 20/25/30/35/40% attack speed. Each flurry can individually critically strike. Max this out first, but get this second. This is used to hard engage or kite. Neither you do at level 1.
Image result for ashe w ability
W: Volley- I love this ability. Best poking machine. This fires 9 arrows in a cone, each doing 20/35/50/65/80 +(100% AD) Enemies can only get hurt by 1 arrow, but can block more. This has more range than your auto attacks. So if someone is sitting under their tower at 100 health and you're below level 6, you can use your volley to kill them if aimed correctly. Get this ability first.

Tip: Your volley resets your auto attack. If you're in a good position level one, auto attack an enemy champion and volley them. You wont have to wait for your attack speed and animation and will immediately attack them again.

E: Hawkshot- If your team has lots of map awareness, their jungler is afk, or your team has good communication. Then level this ability up after level 6, and make your Q and W stronger. Throw this any place on the map and you'll be granted slight vision as it travels, and full vision at its destination for 5 seconds. It cost no mana, but takes time to charge. Holds 2 charges at once.

Tip: This is something I see beginners do all the time and it's aggravating if they're on your team, but hilarious if they're on the enemy team. THIS DOES NO DAMAGE. So stop throwing birds in my face if i'm right in front of you! ≧◡≦ Even if you think this might "Distract your enemy." You're wrong, it rarely does. Unless you're distracting them by having them laugh so hard.

Tip: Use this ability to line up an ult. But don't be stupid. If your intention is to kill your low health target rather then stun them, they will be on HIGH GUARD. They don't know you have vision, but they can see your bird fly and explode. They might leave the area if they see your bird, and you wont get the kill. 

Warning: Since enemies can see the bird fly over their heads and explode, be very careful using this if stealth is whats keeping you alive. Enemies can find your direction from where the bird came. If enemies see it where it came from. You can blow off your entire teams plan.

R: Enchanted Crystal Arrow- This ultimate is similar to Jinx's all board ult. Only rather then doing a percentile damage, it has a flat damage rate of 250/425/600 +(100% Ability Power) And will stun up to 3.5 seconds the longer it travels. Use this to take out an enemy at 230 health or less (as you have to consider health regain in the time it fires.) Or use this to stun someone for a team-fight, or a gank, in your lane, or someone else. But yes, surrounding enemies take half dammage. Take this funny video for example.

Tip: at level 6-9 always check on the other lanes enemy health to see if you can catch stragglers, get your teammates out of a bad trade, or save a failed gank. 

Tip: Some champions can do massive amount of damage unless they're interrupted. And not all forms of CC count as an interruption. Most interruption spells put you at harm of being in their path. For example Miss Fortunes Ultimate is an area of effect damage, and wont stop unless she moves, is killed, or interrupted. Try to fire your ult at her if she does hers. You could save your team.

Since she isn't ability power based, I wont need to go in too much detail on ability sequence. But here's a basic poking one: Auto attack, (W) Auto Attack, (Kite the next two auto attacks), Q (auto attack and chase)

Core items for Ashe are Infinity Edge and Bezerkers Greaves. Other helpful items are: Runans Hurricane, Blade of the Ruined King, Blood Thirster, Lord Dominick's Regards, Guardian Angel, and Mercurial Shimitar.

Supports that work well with Ashe are: Morgana, Blitzcrank, Soraka, Alistair and Leona.

Cosmetically my two favorite Ashe skins are Heartseeker and Marauder.

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