"Anything but support."
"Support isn't a fun role."
"It's too easy, you don't get to do anything."
"You don't make any gold and you just waste what you have on a sight stone."
If you can relate to any of those, here's your slap of reality, and how to get out of that hole. First of all-
Yes, I said it, It is. Not only do you have to look out for yourself, you have to look out for your ADC too. That means shielding them, healing them, warding for them. Utilizing and securing kills for them. Helping them get away. And helping trades go well. Every player I have met that says, "Support is too easy, you don't do anything." Is the worst support ever. So lets learn how to do all of these things and not be that person.
Who to pick: First of all, If you are stuck with support in a ranked game. Don't ever try your "Teemo/Garen/Ahri/Fiddlesticks support" thing or, whatever crap that will be. Don't play the champion you wanted to play for the lane you didn't get, as a support. You WILL lose.
Here are some novice skill level viable supports in this meta: Braum, Janna, Soraka, and Morgana.
All supports are good supports, but these don't require too much thought into the wombo combo. Janna Morgana and Soraka are fairly cheap champs. Especially Soraka. They're easy to learn, and easiest to "master"
Adept supports viable in this meta: Nami, Blitzcrank, Leona, Alistar, Bard, and Sona.
These supports take a little more time to get the hang of, but the payout is great because they have a stun that isn't a passive. They're the "Easy to learn, hard to master." Category.
Advanced supports viable in this meta: Tham Kench, Lulu, Zillean, Thresh, Illaoi, Nasus, Nautilus, Shen, Karma, Brand, and Lux.
- Tham Kench is an easy champion to learn for his top lane capabilities. But few understand his mechanics for a support. Even though that's what he's designed as. Because of his complexity this is why he's an advanced pick.
- Illaoi in in a similar position as to why shes placed in advanced as Tham Kench. Her utility is much better off in top lane where she belongs. But because her E can make it easy for the ADC to do damage to the enemies at a safe distance. As well the massive damage Illaoi brings to the table, this is why she's an advanced supp.Same applies for Shen and Nasus.
- Lulu, Zillean, Karma, Brand and Lux, are all champions that are strongest in the mid lane. To be able to be a good support with these champions, you must master their mechanics for 1v1 in the mid lane. Afterwards, you must ensue the mentality that the safety of your ADC is more important than if you get a kill at the cost of their life. In the case of Zillean, you need to remember to save your ult for the ADC, not yourself. As for Karma, it's very difficult to get your abilities off with the copious amounts of commotion in bot lane.
- Thresh and Nautilus have far more complex hooking mechanics then Blitzcrank. If you want to start trying out hook champions, please get your bearings with Blitz before you try these two.
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